Sunday, September 26, 2010

Random Summer/Back to School photos and Jman's 9th Birthday

WOW this summer just FLEW BY!! We did a TON of stuff, and also just chilled out at home a lot. And now we are BACK TO SCHOOL with a vengeance, caught up in school fun (see ASLA's Blog and look for photos of Josh (gr 4) and Hannah (gr1)) as well as Tae Kwon Do for J&H, Saturday Mandarin school for H, swimming for J&H, Cubs for J, Kung Foo for H, phew!  In case you are wondering, H has asked for a year to do Kung Foo at Mandarin School, so this year we started after her Sat language school is over. This girl Loves Martial Arts!

We went to an amazing cottage, learned how to fish and the kids fell in love with fishing. We also went to Mont Cascades Water Park in Quebec, visited a Wendat Iroquoin Village and dug for animal bones and pottery shards, made paper boats to float on the Ottawa river, Gramma and Grampa's visit was also a highlight!

Jman turned 9 this Sept as well, he had a blast with his friends at Laser Quest.

The photos will probably come up all mixed up, so have fun figuring out what is what.  'tira! Dava

OK - the server doesn't want to upload any photos... I'll try again Tues as tomorrow I'm off to Montreal for work, the David Suzuki talk in the evening! Good Night!