First was Canada Day Fun!
Play House - Robin has been busy building a super cool playhouse for the kids! Can you say Super Dad? We are all VERY Impressed! It now has walls and Robin has started the roof. I'll get updated photos soon!
FOI Summer Picnic - Every summer our Adoption Agency (Family Outreach International) hosts a day out for their families. People sometimes come back from all over Canada to meet up with their travel groups and see how fast all the kids are growing. We are lucky that we travelled with 2 familes from Ottawa, so we see them a few times a year already. Plus we've made friends with other familes too. One family just came back with their DiDi (little brother). A very sweet, darling 2 yr old boy. Their daughter is the same age as Hannah, but the 2 of them are too shy to play together. Man, Robin and I both got very broody watching their new son. Makes us want to travel again for a little boy too. OK brooding over :0) No more adoption plans in the near or far future right now! Two is more than enough at the moment!
Wild Raspberries - we have an AWESOME wild raspberry patch near our house. We went out last night and picked a large bowl. Josh and Hannah ate more than what went into the bowl... Can I say Hannah LOVES raspberries? hahaha She was also having fun squishing the overripe ones all over the place... They ate all the berries today, first thing was cheerios with raspberries for breakfast.
My Awesome Kids - you can't see it but Josh has a big raspberry in his teeth. Are they goofey or what? And yes, for the most part they get along really well... except when they are annoying and fighting with eachother... ahh sibling love ;-)
Random Summer Photos - a cool bug we found. It's in the STINK BUG FAMILY

Josh's Monster Meyhem