Dressing up as Olympic Mascots at school to raise $ for Haiti
Hannah is YingYing from the Beijing Olympics. I made the headpiece from construction paper and Hannah and I coloured in the jewels and stuff.
Josh is Quatchi the Hockey Loving Saquatch from the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. The kids are SO excited about the Olympics!! AND the opening ceremonies are on Hannah's 6th Birthday - Feb 12th. They are going to get to stay up LATE to watch them!

The kids were sick last weekend, we had a PJ day and did a tea party. We all made crowns (except Josh, he had a pirate's thing going on but made crowns for his "Webkinz Boyz". Hannah and I made Peanut Butter cookies, and we drank real peppermint tea! Then Josh and Robin showed us some cool card tricks!
and yes, we still have some xmas decorations up...