I think the jet lag is finally going away for us... the kids seemed to be over it faster than the adults I have to say!
Josh genuinely is loving being a brother and having a sister. He's been doing great with playing with her, being attentive and helpful. Of course we've had a few sharing incidents, but for the most part they've been playing really well together. He sometimes comes in to read bedtime stories, all three of us snuggled in bed together. Hannah loves that. Her little face just lights up when he's around.

She's been learning her alphabet by sight as well... she's like a little ABC machine! I think she can recognise about 7-8 letters just in the last 4 days! She seems to understand a bit more basic english instruction too, but pretty much always responds in mandarin. Although sometimes she says an english word, but it is hard to hear as her accent is thick and pronounciation of many english sounds is very difficult. She always asks to read a "book" before nap or bed, but it sounds more like "boagche"... if you didn't know that's what she was trying to say you'd never guess it.
She's also learned "Thank you" and until yesterday instead of saying "you're welcome" she'd say "Bu Thank you"... because in Mandarin Thank you is "XieXie" and You're Welcome is "Bu Xie" (or No thanks is needed") so she just put "Bu" infront of "thank you"... it was so cute!! But now she mostly tries to say "you're welcome".
We are still lying low at home, she is still getting used to being in our family, trusting us and having a very predictable days. This week we thought we missed Josh's school bus on Thurs morning, so drove him down to school (ended up it was a snow day, which we didn't know! Poor guy, we left him at school, but he was happy to see his friends and since so few come on snow days, he had a day of games and movies anyways...). At first she was excited to see the school, but it quickly became overwhelming and she ran back to the front door to leave. Slow and steady....
Tonight Hannah and Daddy delighted us with some Chinese dancing after supper. They had been practicing it during the day. We first watched Josh practice the breakdance routine he is doing with is good friend Caiden tomorrow at school (it SO rocks! I hope they get picked for the talent show!) After that, Robin put Hannah in her silk outfit we bought in China and they put on a Children's Chinese Dance video we have and they preformed some of the dances while following along with the kids on the video. It was great!! She's quite good and has the fancy arm movements downpat! Josh even got in on the show for a bit too! I can see us driving to Ottawa now on Saturdays for Chinese Dance Lessons.
And finally, we have HUGS! and KISSES!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the last couple days she's freely given us both HUGS AND EVEN A KISS!!!!!!!!!!! More hugs, a couple kisses, but HEY!! I'M NOT COMPLAINING!!!!!!! This morning when she got up, I was standing at the counter drinking coffee and she came over to me and gave me a hug around my waist, NO PROMPTING!! I wanted to cry, I was so surprised and happy!

Everyday she does new and amazing things... :-)