Here are some photos of us getting ready for the Big DAY! Notice the spoooky house!
Hannah just thought the whole processes was so interesting. She couldn't wait to see inside the pumpkin, she was so curious. Well, as soon as we opened it up, she said, "Hey! I know this!! My China Mama and Baba ate this!" I said, "Oh, did they cook and eat the seeds?" (We'd eaten roasted melon seeds at restaurants in China). NOPE she said. I asked what they did with the seeds? "Put them in the garbage and cook the inside and eat it!"
We also made a SPOOKY Graveyard - Josh's idea!
Halloween Night! BOO! Very scary Josh!


Her first house. Hannah was excited and nervous but had her friend Blake right beside her so she was fine. She ran right up, knocked loudly and said even louder : TRICK OR TREAT! When she got her candy, she said also very loudly: THANK YOU! and came running over to show me her candy. What a great holiday eh?!