Monday, October 19, 2009

New School, Birthday, Thanksgiving, Early Halloween

OK, as always very late to post! First off, my little boy turned 8 yr old on Sept 11!! How is that possible?! He was so excited and loved all this presents!!
Little sisters were also very excited!! And very good considering none of the brightly coloured presents were for her.
Hannah did buy Josh a present with her own money, a Rubics Cube from Dollarama. Completely her idea... what a sweetie. Josh thought it was great!

EIGHT!!! so exciting!

New School Year
Hannah and Josh started a new school this Sept - Academy St-Laurent. How smart they look in their new uniforms!

We went home (Kitchener) for Thanksgiving. Of course I forgot our camera! Luckily Danien had hers and took some great shots of Hannah and Sarah hanging out together. They had a blast playing together. Hannah would take Sarah's hand and off they went!

Hannah also loved playing with her youngest second cousin, Baby Amellia. I wish I'd had a picture of Hannah walking Amellia around. She talks about Sarah and Amellia everyday! I wish we lived closer!

Halloween!!! spooky fun!!

so, we've explained to Hannah what Halloween is. Can you imagine trying to explain the whole concept and idea of Halloween to a 5yr child who has never heard of it? SO.. we dress up but often like SCARY DEAD PEOPLE and we go house to house asking for CANDY!

When we got to the pumpkin thing she was completely confused... so, you carve a face in the pumpkin? Why? to keep away ghosts? WHY?! and why only on Halloween night? What about the ghosts on other nights? Why are we putting spiders, ghosts and witches up around the house? Why are we making a graveyard with skeletons on the front lawn. I want a to write on my TUMstone! What are you writing on your tumstone Josh?

Her first idea was she wanted to be a frog for halloween. I asked her if maybe she wanted to be a Princess? NO WAY! FROG! great... how to find a frog costume that would fit!

Then we got Josh's mask... very scary! Josh was worried it would scare her too much. Nope, didn't seem to phase her.

Last Saturday we went out for her costume. She told me she wanted to be a SUPERHERO! OK... I *assumed* like Spiderman or Superman. We saw a Ninja Turtle she said she'd consider if we couldn't find a SUPERhero. At the 3rd store we still hadn't found the "right" superhero... so I said, "what does your SUPERhero look like?" RED with an i on it! OH - Incredibles I said! YES!! She said!! THen the lady beside me said, "oh - I saw an Incredible costume at Value Village" AWESOME! We raced over there and got THE LAST ONE!!! Thank goodness it fits! Well, better without clothes under.... it will be atight fight on Halloween night, especially if its cold. I did try to tell her if its snowing she will have to wear a jacket over it... don't think she was listening though. She put it on in the store and didn't take it off ALL weekend... we slept in it Sat, Sun and tonight as well. Wore it ALL day Sat and Sun and she would have worn it to school if they didn't have uniforms! She switches between being MR. Incredible and Elastagirl... usually she is MR. Incredible :0)
My Halloween Crew! They rock!

On Sunday after shopping and yes, we did wear the outfit shopping! so cute! we brought in the boxes from the groceries and played RESCUE with her stuffed kitty. Then she ate and INCREDIBLE lunch, followed by RESCUING Mommy and others, making INCREDIBLE muffins and an INCREDIBLE Carrot salad from her cookbook aunt Krystine and uncle Robert gave her, follwed by a snack fit for a SUPERhero! Sliced apples :0)


I just had to post these too... Sunday night we played games... of course H is INCREDIBLE!
But we also had a visit from Indiana!! Watch out!!

who can resist dressing up to play Operation with Mommy?! You can see Hannah is beating Daddy in the background at Guess Who!

I'll try to post again for the REAL Halloween, and when our graveyard is finished. We cut out a lot of tombstones out of cardboard tonight.