But she soon got the hang of decorating eggs and was the last one doing it. Josh was an expert helper.
Easter morning was full of excitment! Before we got up at 6:00am, we could hear the kids exclaiming in excitment every time they found an egg, and Josh was a great help and getting very excited for her when she did find eggs with her name on them. Amazing how fast they did end up finding everything! By the time we got up and made coffee, they'd basically found it all!She was also very excited to wear her Easter Bunny Ears she'd made at school!
Hannah thought the Easter Bunny hiding eggs was THE BEST thing in the world! Later that day we hide eggs all over again... a couple times! Then she wanted to know if the Easter Bunny came again the next night!

But I think one of the best parts about Easter was Grandma and Grandpa coming for a visit! Hannah and Josh were very sad when it was time for them to go... so they decided to be Super Silly and wear thier Tshirts like Super Hero caps and run and jump around like crazy maniacs! We finally got them to stand still long enough to take their photos!